Personal Finance

Author mohitblogger

How Personal Loan affect your credit score?

Whenever a person applies for a loan, lenders check the credit score of that person. Credit Score becomes one of the most important criteria for getting any loan. As a result, most people look for ways to improve their credit… Continue Reading →

Auto Sweep FD:- Earn more interest

If you have a bank account and you keep your surplus funds in your savings account, then this article is for you. Generally, a savings bank account offers the flexibility of any time deposit and withdrawal as per your convenience… Continue Reading →

What is a Credit Score?

When you apply for a credit card or loan, the most important criterion that a lender checks is your credit score. A high credit score increases your chances of getting a new loan or credit card approved at favourable terms… Continue Reading →

6 ways to repay your loan faster

If you have ever taken a loan, you can understand how bad it feels to pay EMIs every month from your hard-earned money. Whether you want it or not, you have to pay EMIs every month. Hence, it is very… Continue Reading →

Impact of Personal Loans on Financial Planning

As banking facilities are becoming more accessible to more and more people, the popularity of personal loans is also increasing. Unlike home loans or business loans, personal loans can be used for any purpose such as marriage, financial emergency, home… Continue Reading →

When is the right time to take a personal loan?

Do you know when is the right time to take a personal loan? A few years ago, getting a personal loan was not that easy. For a personal loan, the person had to submit his proof of income like salary… Continue Reading →

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